Items You Should Not Store In A Storage Unit

A storage unit in a warehouse can be defined as a semi-closed or closed unit that sometimes has shelves for storing goods. While they may seem like a great place to store everything you wish to, it is important to note that some items are better off stored elsewhere. This is due to their nature for example fragility or perishability. Examples of goods that you should not keep in a storage unit include:
Foodstuff that is perishable:
These can cause moulding thus spoiling other things in your storage unit. If you must store perishable goods, ensure they are packed securely. This also minimizes the chances of having a bugs infestation within your storage unit.
We are highly against the storage of living creatures in a storage unit. This would be endangering their lives by putting them at risk of suffocation thus sudden death.
Human beings
It is an offence for a person to turn a storage unit into their permanent residence. We do not allow people to turn their storage units into offices where they can have walk-in walk-out clients visiting despite them being open day and night. We however have meeting rooms and offices spaces that you can hire in such a case.
Live plants
We advise against storing these in a storage unit because plants need sunlight to thrive. They are also prone to attracting pests into your storage unit. You may want to give your live plants away if you are unable to care for them as opposed to storing them away in a dark storage unit.
e. Wet Items: These definitely cause moulding. It is very important to allow your items to dry off before storing them away to avoid ruining them because of moisture. If you are looking for a high-quality storage company see ‘Blue Box Storage‘.
Flammable materials
This includes gas, petrol, cleaning material and any other material that is combustible. We prefer our clients not to store such items or products for the obvious reason; minimizing the risk of a fire break out.
Firearms, explosives, weapons or ammunition
We are highly against storing such items in our storage units because not everyone around us is an authorized firearm holder. If you have such items, you may need to consider storing them where people who lack a firearm certificate do not have access to them. We recommend that such be stored in a secure cabinet; one that has been designated after a police assessment is conducted.
Chemicals, radioactive materials and biological agents:
Radioactive materials are highly hazardous and can only be stored at designated sites. Our storage units are not one of them! Besides that, other chemicals that are considered dangerous and pose health or safety risks may not be stored in our storage containers. Examples of these include acids, toxic waste etc.
Illegal items
Something that does not belong to you legally should not be in your storage unit! For example smuggled items, unlicensed medicines and counterfeits should not be stored in storage units.
Money and securities
A safe deposit box would be the most ideal place to store such items. This could be either at home or in a designated location like a bank.
Although we believe in the safety and security of your items when you store them with us, we recommend storing the above-mentioned items in other designated places for higher security. We prioritize the safety of all our clients to ensure they are satisfied with their storage experience with us. We would be happy to let you know whether it is safe or not to keep your item in your storage unit if you are unsure!