5 Tell-Tale Signs That Indicate You Need New Windows

Windows are worn out
Are your windows warping or rotting? If yes, they are telling signs that they need immediate replacement.
It is challenging to keep wooden window frames in good condition for a long time. Once they start to rot, it’s hard to stop them from decaying. Moreover, rain adds to your misery as the wood absorbs moisture and warps the windows. Repairing the windows may prove to be too costly. Instead of allowing the windows to rot further, you should look to replace them as soon as possible.
Not all uPVC windows last for years. The ones that use low-quality uPVC warp over time. They expand so much that the double glazing on them doesn’t work properly. You may see condensation on the window panes, scratches, holes, chips, water leaks, and cracks. These may soon get bigger if you don’t replace the windows. As a side benefit I’d recommended seeing replacement polycarbonate conservatory roof.
High energy bills
Old and dilapidated windows are not usually efficient at providing proper insulation to your house. This may lead to high energy bills at the end of each month. Heat dissipates easily if there are chips and cracks in the windows. As a result, you may have to use your home’s heater at a higher setting than normal during winters. On the other hand, you may have to use the AC at its lowest temperature to make the room cold since hot air passes into your house through the cracks and holes. This leads to using the HVAC system at its highest setting, meaning it consumes more energy. It is best to replace these windows immediately.
If you have single-paned windows, you should consider replacing them with double-glazed windows consisting of low-emissivity glass and argon gas. They prevent heat loss from your home, thus keeping it insulated throughout the year.
Windows are not opening or closing easily
Windows can provide an exit route in case of emergencies. But imagine if the windows fail to open when you need them the most. You should replace such windows without any second thoughts.
Many factors may contribute to your windows not opening or closing smoothly. A common problem in many houses is that homeowners decide to shut a few windows down so that the decoration of their homes looks good. Sure, the decoration may make the house look beautiful, but remember, the decor prevents the windows from providing the escape route that you may need in the case of an emergency. Warped frames can also prevent the windows from opening or closing properly. The uPVC may expand and contract due to extreme weather conditions and the frames eventually lose their aperture. Shifting of your home’s foundation may also contribute to your windows not opening and closing. It is wise to get in touch with a professional who can replace the windows as soon as possible to solve these problems.
Home is not soundproof
Modern windows significantly reduce the amount of noise that can enter your house. If your house is just beside a busy road, you would need windows that keep the noise out. Old windows may not provide the soundproofing you need to lead a quiet and peaceful life. Stand beside the windows and listen carefully. If the sound is too loud, consider replacing the windows.
Windows are drafty
Do you know that your energy bills can increase by as much as 25% or more if your house has drafty windows? You wouldn’t want to spend so much on electric bills every month. Investing in new windows would eventually be cost-effective in the long run. They would help save a lot on your monthly energy bills.